Unity’s DrawMesh() process delivers a fast and efficient method to generate 3D entities within the machine, making it a famous means for architects. Nevertheless, if you are transitioning from Unity to Unreal Engine 4 (UE4), you will see that Unreal does not have a natural counterpart for DrawMesh().

This composition will usher you through reclaiming Unity’s DrawMesh() functionality to Unreal Engine 4, delivering a slick shift for designers shifting between these two powerful game evolution platforms.

Comprehending Unity’s DrawMesh() Function

In Unity, DrawMesh() is a process that permits designers to generate 3D meshes instantly in a location without holding to connect them to game entities. This process is typically utilized to optimize rendering by bypassing the requirement to instantiate particular game entities, which is valid for functional features and challenging environments.

void Update() {
    Matrix4x4 matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(position, rotation, scale);
    Graphics.DrawMesh(mesh, matrix, material, 0);

In this instance, DrawMesh() carries in the mesh, modification matrix, material, and layer. The procedure generates the mesh instantly within the established parameters, but how can we repeat this in Unreal Engine 4?

Actions to Change Unity’s DrawMesh() to Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine 4 doesn’t deliver a single DrawMesh() match, but it does present multiple methods for rendering meshes efficiently. Below are the steps to attain the same effect as Unity’s DrawMesh() utilizing Unreal Engine 4’s means.

Step 1: Comprehending Unreal Engine’s Rendering System

Unreal Engine 4 utilizes a component-based system for rendering. To cause a mesh in UE4, you will generally need a Static Mesh Component or Procedural Mesh Component. The Procedural Mesh Component is the nearest counterpart to Unity’s DrawMesh() as it lets you dynamically construct and generate meshes without requiring a pre-existing entity in the background.

Step 2: Import Your Mesh and Material Assets

Before you can generate a mesh in UE4, guarantee that your 3D investments, including meshes and materials, are correctly imported:

  1. Open the Content Browser in UE4.
  2. Import your .fbx or .obj mesh file.
  3. Import the material connected with the mesh or complete one within UE4.

This approach provides your support are willing to be employed within UE4’s rendering technique. 

Step 3: Set Up a Procedural Mesh Component

To cause a mesh dynamically without connecting it to a typical game entity, use a Procedural Mesh Detail in Unreal Engine. Follow these measures:

  1. Start a New Actor Class:
    • In the Content Browser, right-click and select Blueprint Class or form a new C++ Actor class.
    • Anoint this Actor something like DynamicMeshActor.
  2. Count a Procedural Mesh Component:
    • Within your Actor category, count a Procedural Mesh Component by choosingAdd Componentin the class ranking.
    • This Procedural Mesh Component will permit you to generate a mesh on the fly.

Step 4: Document Code to Render the Mesh Dynamically

If you are functioning with C++ in Unreal, you can place up the Procedural Mesh Component with regulation comparable to Unity’s DrawMesh() operation:

#include "ProceduralMeshComponent.h"
#include "DynamicMeshActor.h"

ADynamicMeshActor::ADynamicMeshActor() {
    ProceduralMesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<UProceduralMeshComponent>(TEXT("ProceduralMesh"));
    RootComponent = ProceduralMesh;

void ADynamicMeshActor::RenderMesh(UStaticMesh* StaticMesh, UMaterialInterface* Material) {
    if (StaticMesh) {
        ProceduralMesh->SetMaterial(0, Material);

Here, the RenderMesh() process will bear in a mesh and material, equivalent to how Unity’s DrawMesh() functions, and use it in the Procedural Mesh Component.

Step 5: Setting the Transformation Matrix

In Unity, the Matrix4x4 system sets up changes for process, hierarchy, and appointment. In UE4, you can reach the same result by selecting the Transform on your Procedural Mesh Detail:

FTransform MeshTransform;
MeshTransform.SetLocation(FVector(X, Y, Z));
MeshTransform.SetRotation(FQuat(FRotator(Pitch, Yaw, Roll)));
MeshTransform.SetScale3D(FVector(ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ));


By changing place, process, and scale matters, you can reproduce Unity’s matrix-based changes in Unreal Engine 4.

Step 6: Trigger Rendering in Unreal Engine

In Unreal Engine, you may desire to handle when the mesh is rendered utilizing Tick or business processes, equivalent to Unity’s Update() process:

void ADynamicMeshActor::Tick(float DeltaTime) {
    RenderMesh(MyMesh, MyMaterial);

Remember the RenderMesh() call within the Tick process or use event-based catalysts to optimize when meshes are generated.

Advantages of Operating Procedural Mesh Component in Unreal

  • Real-time Flexibility: Like Unity’s DrawMesh(), the Procedural Mesh Component in Unreal delivers real-time mesh generation, perfect for active circumstances.
  • Dominion Over Rendering: Operating UE4’s rendering pipeline delivers added authority over material possessions and shader applications.
  • Optimization Opportunities: By controlling the update commonness, you can optimize implementation, particularly in settings needing several involved entities.


While Unreal Engine 4 does not have a one-to-one match for Unity’s DrawMesh() process, the mixture of a Procedural Mesh Component and attentive manipulation of adaptation and yielding possessions can perform a comparable consequence. By pursuing the actions above, designers can develop elastic and efficient rendering forms, transitioning from Unity’s illustration control to Unreal’s vital rendering techniques.

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